Tips on Surfing the Radioactive Waves of California

CALIFORNIA - USA - You may be seeking a little sunshine this winter so why not pop over to the…

11 years ago

British Trayvon Mark Duggan Lawfully Shot by Police

LONDON - England - A jury at the Royal Courts of Justice yesterday ruled that Mark Duggan was lawfully shot…

11 years ago

Dennis Rodman Fed to Hungry Dogs on Recent Trip to N. Korea

PYONGYANG - N. Korea - Ex-basketball player and former friend of Kim Jong-Un was killed by a pack of hungry…

11 years ago

Benefits Street Looks Great On a 45 Inch HD 3D TV

BIRMINGHAM - England - Throw out your rubbish into the street, it's the next episode of Benefits Street on the…

11 years ago

Hollywood Director Needs Teleprompter For Everyday Speech

LAS VEGAS - USA - Hollywood director Michael Bay cannot speak without the use of a teleprompter it has been…

11 years ago

Morrissey Doesn’t Eat Meat Occasionally

MANCHESTER - England - Penguin classic pop singer Morrissey has proclaimed he does not like meat much, in another bitter…

11 years ago

Grillo Sisters to Star in New Cookery Show

LONDON - England - The famous Grillo sisters are to star in their own cookery show commissioned by Channel 4…

11 years ago

David Cameron Promises People Populist Policies in Many Many Years

LONDON - England - Prime minister, David Cameron has pledged to the public that he will listen to them regarding…

11 years ago

Experts: War Makes Things Happen Faster and is Good For World

LAUSANNE - Switzerland - A team of experts in the field of Socio-political Geo-warfare claim that world war is an…

11 years ago

5 Ways to Handle January 6 Officially the Most Depressing Day in the Year

LONDON - England - Today is January 6 officially the most depressing day of the year. We give you some…

11 years ago

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