Tips on Painting the Parisian City

PARIS - France - Paris is a beautiful city, all you have to do is get through the smog and…

11 years ago

Prince Charles Letter to Daily Squib Urges Restraint

LONDON - England - Our eminent offices were graced the other day with some royal correspondence of which we have…

11 years ago

Experts: What Exactly Did Putin Read in Those Snowden Files?

ZURICH - Switzerland - Geopolitical experts at the Institute of War, may have an inkling of what is happening in…

11 years ago

Missing Plane: Time to Plan Your Summer Holidays

PENANG - Malaysia - Planning your summer hols this year? Don't forget to pack extra sarnies for when your aeroplane…

11 years ago

Bossy Bitch Wants the Word ‘Bossy’ Banned

WASHINGTON D.C - USA - The world is full of bossy bitches and now they want the word 'bossy' banned…

11 years ago

Experts: Why Noah Now?

LONDON - England - Historical experts at the Ancient Modern Society, reveal the truth about the recent resurgence of the…

11 years ago

Feinstein Spying On Herself

WASHINGTON D.C - USA - Senator Dianne Feinstein was caught spying on herself today in another tedious spying scandal that…

11 years ago

American Police Cars Sure Have Come a Long Way Since the Twenties

MICHIGAN - USA - American police cars have come a long way since the early twentieth century.

11 years ago

BBC Puts Asian Comedians in Own Studio

BIRMINGHAM - England - It seems the BBC has allowed some Asian comedians to have their own segregated show.

11 years ago

President of the England Davidro Caberone Has 18 GCSEs

UNITED STATES OF LONDON - England - President Davidro Caberone, is a really, really good president, almost as good as…

11 years ago

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