Summer Holiday Offers: Two Week Stay at Ebola Hotel All Inclusive

GUINEA - Africa - Our special summer holiday giveaway at the Ebola hotel is sure to make your mouth and…

10 years ago

April Fools? We’re Off to Enjoy the Sunshine

LONDON - England - As is customary on every April Fools, the Daily Squib gets a well deserved day off.…

11 years ago

Climate Change Due to Climate Says Scientist

NORTH POLE - Climate Change is a contentious issue, and one scientist has his own thoughts about the subject.

11 years ago

Politician Finds Way of Pleasing Everybody at the Same Time

PRADSTOW - England - It's the dream of every politician everywhere and one politician has found the ultimate formula of…

11 years ago

Everywhere You Look You Will See Mark Zuckerberg’s Face

PALO ALTO - USA - Just when you thought it was safe to escape the megalomania of Facebook's Zuckerberg, you…

11 years ago

Fears Scots May be Losing Their Scottishness

HOLYROOD - Scotland - Why are the Scots begging to keep the pound if they vote for independence from the…

11 years ago

Calls to Bring Back Rummy and His Known Unknowns

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - Someone needs to drag Donald Rumsfeld from his arm chair and get him back out…

11 years ago

Obama: “Putin is Bluffing”

HAWAII - USA - President Obama has stated that he is 100% sure that Russian president, Vladimir Putin is bluffing.

11 years ago

Unconscious Couple Caught Coupling Consciously by Semi-Conscious Policeman

LOS ANGELES - USA - Police at Venice beach were said to be very confused, after finding a couple in…

11 years ago

Why Fluoridated water is Good For You

LONDON - England - Drink up that fluoridated water, you will feel happy and refreshed.

11 years ago

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