Jobseekers Need to Sign On Every 32 Seconds Says Duncan Smith

LONDON - England - Minister for the DWP, Iain Duncan Smith is in the last stages of putting through a…

10 years ago

Salmond Reveals Scottish Currency

GLASGOW - Scotland - Scottish National Party, leader, Alex Salmond, has revealed the country's new Scottish currency today in a…

10 years ago

Red Ed’s 1984 Manifesto Comes to Light

LONDON - England - Ed Miliband's Labour Party wants to increase the foothold of the totalitarian government even further.

10 years ago

Clarkson to Present Newsnight After Paxman Departure

SALFORD - England - BBC presenter Jeremy Clarkson has been appointed to take over the Newsnight presenter role after the…

10 years ago

The Streets of Ukraine Paved With Gold

CHICAGO - USA - In the last few days, you may have noticed how gold has been rising, if you…

10 years ago

Jeremy Clarkson to Open Exact Replica of Ancient Rome in African Village

SURREY - England - Veteran Top Gear presenter, Jeremy Clarkson is set to embark on a journey to film the…

10 years ago

Prince Harry and Cressida Get Back Together Again

LONDON - England - Buckingham palace has made the announcement that Prince Harry and Cressida Bonas have reunited after a…

10 years ago

Think Tank: How Obama Killed Internet and Free Speech

BOSTON - USA - President Obama is planning to shut down free speech on the internet completely, and is about…

10 years ago

Ukraine to Get Paid by U.S. to Stop Corruption

KIEV - Ukraine - Vice President, Joe Biden has vowed to pay the Ukrainian government to stop corruption and bribery.

10 years ago

Ghost of Bob Crow Photographed During Tube Strike

LONDON - England - The tube strike today has created some untold misery for commuters, but a ghostly image captured…

10 years ago

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