Ed Miliband Right Man For the Job Say Tories

LONDON - England - Ed Miliband is a Conservative dream come true, and many hope he stays as Labour leader…

10 years ago

How Turkish Politicians Treat Their Voters

LONDON - England - British politicians have been watching with awe and a certain amount of jealousy at the way…

10 years ago

Think Tank: ‘Don’t Blame Snowden Blame Yourselves’

SOMEWHERE - Nowhere - An independent think tank, responds to governmental claims that 'our enemies are stronger now because of…

10 years ago

Are You Eating Halal Eggs?

YORKSHIRE - England - You could have eaten halal eggs this morning. As you innocently cracked the shell of your…

10 years ago

David Miliband Comes Back to Cheer Brother to Election Victory

LONDON - England - Former Labour leader hopeful, David Miliband flew in from New York today to give brother, Ed…

10 years ago

Experts: Countdown to Economic QE Armageddon

CAMBRIDGE - England - Professor Heath Roomer of Cambridge University has outlined in a paper, what the possible outcomes of…

10 years ago

Inconsequential Celebrity is Having Another Baby

LOS ANGELES - USA - Some inconsequential celebrity is having another baby the news says again.

10 years ago

Check: Russia China Gas Deal Game Changer Seals West’s Fate

MOSCOW - Russia - Just when you thought things were getting boring with the Ukraine crisis, now it's getting more…

10 years ago

New Startup ‘Morsecoder’ Takes Internet by Storm

SILICON VALLEY - USA - Forget about Twitter, that has come and gone. The latest buzz words are Morse Code,…

10 years ago

Cameron: “The Economy is Doing So Great We Have to Raid Your Bank Account”

LONDON - England - Prime Minister, David Cameron, has revealed government plans to raid private bank accounts.

10 years ago

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