Desperate French Resorting to Hiring Out Versailles to Vulgar Celebrities

VERSAILLES - France - The French have had to undergo many indignities throughout their colourful history, however hiring out the…

10 years ago

Prince Charles Thinking of Sending Harry to Russia to Beat Up Putin

BALMORAL - Scotland - In an extraordinary attack on the Prince of Wales, Russia is now making absurd claims that…

10 years ago

Cameron Agrees to EU Referendum

LONDON - England - After a swift kick in the polls, David Cameron has finally agreed to an In/Out EU…

10 years ago

White Dee Takes Jade Goody’s Place

BIRMINGHAM - England - White Dee has had her benefits stopped. Be prepared for a media onslaught for the next…

10 years ago

New House of Commons Lifeguard Raises Some Eyebrows

LONDON - England - Just when you thought it was safe to go into the water, the new life guard…

10 years ago

Russian Sanctions: “All Americans Could Be Living Like the Amish Soon”

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - The Amish had it right all along, as Russian disruption of uranium resources to the…

10 years ago

Unfettered EU Immigration: Finding Some Space in Britain

SEKTOR 101 - EU - Over the green hills, the quiet hamlets, the ancient stone walls which have stood for…

10 years ago

Michael Jackson Now More Popular Dead Than Alive

LAS VEGAS - USA - Michael Jackson's holographic performance is a bonus for record executives.

10 years ago

Ghost of Our Past: “Why Should Britain Have to Ask For Anything?”

SALFORD - England - Today a ghost from the past showed up on the BBC news, as some politician from…

10 years ago

Think Tank: The Core of Britain is Race Concentric

LONDON - England - Some think tank somewhere in the capital city has come up with a paper discussing the…

10 years ago

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