Experts: France’s Eurovision Result Reveals EU Discontent With Country

BRUSSELS - Belgium - An anonymous expert aligned to the EU has written a paper outlining the vagaries of totalitarian…

10 years ago

American Shooting Spree Theme Park Opened in Texas

TEXAS - USA - Americans love a shooting spree, and one entrepreneur is capitalising on this American penchant for indiscriminate…

10 years ago

Bush Blair Iraq Letters Revealed For First Time

BAGHDAD - Iraq - The Chilcot Inquiry may take a turn for the worse as the formerly banned email exchanges…

10 years ago

Obama: Killer Drones to Combat Climate Change

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - President Obama wants to use killer drones to make war on climate change.

10 years ago

Mandy Maleficent Waiting in Wings For Labour Election Win

LONDON - England - An evil menace is awakening after many years of hibernation, yes it's Mandy Maleficent, and this…

10 years ago

Ruined £1 million Tracey Emin Bed Now Worth £120

TOKYO - Japan - The Conceptua Biennial Exhibition has had a minor setback this year with British artist, Tracey Emin…

10 years ago

You Didn’t Just Take a ‘Hatie’ Did You?

LOS ANGELES - USA - Forget the narcissistic 'selfie' craze, the latest fad is the 'hatie'.

10 years ago

EU Feudal Lords: “We Are Not Scared of Peasant Revolt”

BRUSSELS - Belgium - Feudalism never left Europe, and the futuristic form of feudalism will be far more brutal than…

10 years ago

Nick Clegg Wants Coalition With Ukip Now

LONDON - England - The disaster at the EU elections has not been felt more so than by the Lib…

10 years ago

EU Sure Wishes That Plane Crash Had Done the Job on Farage in 2010

BRUSSELS - Belgium - EU leaders who are trying to foment a Soviet super state have been left reeling in…

10 years ago

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