Shia Labeouf Joins Shia Militia in Iraq

BAGHDAD - Iraq - Former Hollywood actor Shia Labeouf embarked on a journey last week to join a Shia militia.

10 years ago

Butler-Sloss: “No, I Don’t Look Like Savile”

LEEDS - England - Baroness Butler-Sloss has denied claims that she is a spitting image of Jimmy Savile.

10 years ago

The Rise of Germany Can Never Be Stopped

BERLIN - Germany - The all conquering German nation cannot be stopped from taking Britain once and for all through…

10 years ago

Transgender Michelle Obama Wants More Rights

WASHINGTON D.C - USA - Michelle Obama has spoken for the first time about her turmoil as a transgender First…

10 years ago

Brazil Team: “It Was Only a Hologram That Was Not Us”

BELO HORIZONTE - Brazil - The Brazilian football team have come up with an amazing excuse for losing 7-1 to…

10 years ago

We’re Off to Tony Blair’s House For Dinner

LONDON - England - It's not often you get an invitation to Tony Blair's house, but in the interests of…

10 years ago

What’s that Buzzing Sound? Ah, Airport Security Checkpoint!

LOS ANGELES - USA - Next time you are at a US airport checkpoint you may hear the sound of…

10 years ago

Experts: The Age of Women is Almost Upon Us

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - As the world gears up for the first female U.S. president, a think tank of…

10 years ago

United Nations Designates America Third World Status

GENEVA - Switzerland - The United Nations proudly interred the United States of America into the annals of history today…

10 years ago

England Wins Magaluf World Cup

MAGALUF - Spain - The England team have won the world cup this year, not in Brazil though.

10 years ago

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