Constant Tea Breaks by British Jihadis Creating Problems

ABU TETLIYA - Syria - According to reports on social media sites, British Jihadis are riling their controllers with their…

10 years ago

Think Tank: New World Order Can Only Occur From External Planetary Threat

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - An independent think tank located in geosynchronous orbit above the earth has come up with…

10 years ago

Farewell Joan Rivers You Will be Missed by Liberals Everywhere

MANHATTAN - USA - Politically correct liberals all across the United States were in mourning today at the loss of…

10 years ago

Next Kate Bush Concert Scheduled When She’s 91

LONDON - England - Fans were said to be eager and waiting for the next Kate Bush concert in 35…

10 years ago

British Bake Off World War III Latest News

EAST TEDDINGTON - England - There's some very important news circulating about the British Bake Off which you must read…

10 years ago

EU Ban on Powerful Vacuum Cleaners Impacting on Perverts

LEEDS - England - The new EU ban on powerful vacuum cleaners is not just garnering the wrath of British…

10 years ago

Farewell Tax Disc Hello Big Brother

LONDON - England - No one likes a tax disc, and if you do you're a bit mad really, but…

10 years ago

New Celebrity Excrement Bucket Challenge Announced

LONDON - England - Every celebrity likes to be seen doing something so they can be seen by others and…

10 years ago

Piers Morgan Off to Syria to Talk Down Brit Jihadis

LOS ANGELES - USA - Piers Morgan is packing his bags and moving to the Middle East for a new…

10 years ago

Global Warming Activists Happy About Iceland Volcano Cooling

LONDON - England - Mount Bardarbunga in Iceland is ejaculating and thrusting out billions of particles into the atmosphere blocking…

10 years ago

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