Obama: “Whitey Was an Immigrant Once Too”

TEXAS - USA - Obama: This is your land now, we give it to you, the dreamers, you can now…

10 years ago

Antoine Dodson: “Bill Cosby We Gon’ Find You”

HUNTSVILLE - USA - Antoine Dodson thinks he knows who attempted to jump on his sister back in 2010.

10 years ago

Lena Dunham Playboy Spread Goes Viral

LOS ANGELES - USA - Staunch feminist Marxist darling, Lena Dunham has recalled her jaunt in men's magazine Playboy where…

10 years ago

Americans Fooled by Obamacare Prank

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - President Obama has been responding to some Americans who think they were fooled into believing…

10 years ago

David Cameron: “I’ve Just Started Reading the Daily Squib”

LONDON - England - Prime minister, David Cameron, fresh back from the G20 has admitted to starting to read the…

10 years ago

Man Cries For Being a Man

PARIS - France - The other day a man on television broke down and started to cry for the crime…

10 years ago

Biden: “I Dare You to Impeach Obama”

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - One thing's for sure, if Obama is impeached for his many indiscretions, this will mean…

10 years ago

Kim Kardashian Joins Hottentot Tribe in South Africa

NGUMBA - South Africa - The Khoikhoi tribe in South Africa have welcomed American celebrity Kim Kardashian into their tribe,…

10 years ago

Forex Banker Rigged Own Pay Packet

LONDON - England - A foreign exchange trader has been given a large bonus for rigging his own pay packet…

10 years ago

David Miliband Seen at Heathrow

LONDON - England - Former Labour politician, David Miliband has been seen at Heathrow airport arriving on a plane from…

10 years ago

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