Ukip in Desperate Bid to Demolish Mosques All Over Britain

WESTMINSTER - England - The UK Independence party are adamant that all mosques across Britain have to go.

10 years ago

Cricketers to Get New Helmets

SIDNEY - Australia - It's a dangerous game that cricket, you may think standing around the crease all day waiting…

10 years ago

Kim Kardashian Protects Ferguson Protesters — With Her Butt

FERGUSON - USA - W.Florissant Drive received some important celebrity help the other night, Kim Kardashian, to be precise.

10 years ago

EU: Add On Another £37 Billion Please You’re British

LONDON - England - With an extra £37 billion bill from Brussels for the EU money pit, PM David Cameron…

10 years ago

West Florissant Twinned With Rodeo Drive Say Fashionistas

St. Louis - USA - Fashionistas from Rodeo Drive, Los Angeles have discovered a new town that is now breaking…

10 years ago

Peculiar Analyst: “Sometimes You Have to Treat Dogs Like Dogs”

LONDON - England - People who go above their station, a particular problem in the modern age, as prescribed by…

10 years ago

Grand Jury: Darren Wilson Innocent Without Charge

FERGUSON - USA - A grand jury has given hero cop Darren Wilson, a clean slate on his police record,…

10 years ago

Obama: “I’m Acting How Republicans Wish They Could Act”

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - Obama is breezing through his executive actions as president with little or no resistance from…

10 years ago

The EU is Nazi Germany Backwards Say Historians

BERLIN - Germany - What the EU has managed to do without violence is take over many countries without war,…

10 years ago

George Osborne Mulling Over Ukip Defection

ROCHESTER - England - Another shameful Ukip night for the Tories and Lib Dems at the by-election last night that…

10 years ago

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