Jeremy Kyle Gets Jeremy Kyled

CHESHIRE - England - England polo player James Carr, 25, has claimed he bedded Jeremy Kyle's wife Carla, 40, while…

9 years ago

Volkswagon Vehicles Seen From Space

SPACE - With the mass recall of Volkswagon cars after falsifying emissions data, there's another twist in the story, VW…

9 years ago

Experts: Mass Migration Into West Will Kill Feminism

DUSSELDORF - Germany - There is a silver lining to the massive migratory force moving into Europe and America, and…

9 years ago

Sepp Blatter Tries to Hand Brown Envelope to Swiss Prosecutor

GENEVA - Switzerland - Swiss prosecutor, Ingval Kronstein was shocked on Friday when corrupt FIFA boss Sepp Blatter tried to…

9 years ago

Retired House Speaker John Boehner to Start Rhino Farm in Zimbabwe

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - John Boehner, the Republican Speaker of the House, announced on Friday that he would resign…

9 years ago

When the Rothschilds Are Fighting What Hope For Us?

PARIS - France - Two wings of the Rothschilds are embroiled in a legal battle over the rights to use…

9 years ago

Revealed: Why 800 Muslims Died in Mecca Stampede

MECCA - Saudi Arabia - Over 800 people have been crushed to death in a stampede outside Mecca and more…

9 years ago

Pope to Obama: “We Worship the Same Lord”

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - Pope Francis finally met president Barack Obama, two kindred souls in a sea of disorder…

9 years ago

Lord Ashcroft: “Who Do You Think I Am Cameron?”

LONDON - England - An angry Lord Ashcroft is set to be turfed from his minor government post after revealing…

9 years ago

Experts: Why War is the Only Answer

LONDON - England - The secretive Institute of War has released a communique urging for movement in the accord of…

9 years ago

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