Comrade Cameron Crushing His Own Party and Country

SEKTOR 101 - EU - Supreme comrade in chief, David Cameron, has had a busy day bulldozing half his party…

9 years ago

Police State Britain: The End of Democracy Within EU Totalitarian Dictatorship

LONDON - England - The introduction of the EU Snoopers Charter is just a little taster of the totalitarian EU…

9 years ago

Leaving EU Would be Shock to UK Economy But a Good Shock Say Experts

LONDON - England - Leaving the EU will not be easy. They will put many obstacles in our path, they…

9 years ago

David Cameron: Britons Need to Work Harder to Pay £886 Million Benefits to EU Migrants Per Year

LONDON - England - Prime Minister David Cameron today urged Britons to work harder so they can pay more tax…

9 years ago

Strategists: Putin Wants Britain to Stay In EU

GENEVA - Switzerland - Strategists working for covert agencies relating to International security and military geopolitical proliferation have revealed that…

9 years ago

Border Agencies: Six Million Migrants to Cross Into Europe This Summer

CRETE - Greece - The warm weather is now filtering through and the seas are calm. This is the perfect…

9 years ago

Jeb Bush: In Retrospect

FLORIDA - USA - News filters through slowly, and much like the turtle that slowly ambles its way across a…

9 years ago

Lord Howard: The Beginning of the End

LONDON - England - Lord Howard is now backing the Leave campaign to get us out of the EU.

9 years ago

Hillary Clinton Addresses Black Privilege

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - African Americans have never had it so good, and their privilege has been addressed by…

9 years ago

Historians: Trump Demagoguery Mirrors Il Duce Mussolini

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - Leading historians at the Smithsonian Institute in the Capitol are keen to warn the American…

9 years ago

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