Gove and Johnson: The PM Should Debate the Risks of Staying in the EU With Vote Leave

LONDON - England - Michael Gove and Boris Johnson have warned that the real risk in the referendum is voting…

9 years ago

Rogue European Court is a Threat to Our Borders

BRUSSELS - Belgium - New rulings unveiled today by the European Court of Justice threaten the integrity of our borders,…

9 years ago

Vote Leave Reveals 50 Criminals the EU Stopped Us Deporting

LONDON - England - Vote Leave is today publishing a dossier of 50 criminals which the European Court prevented us…

9 years ago

Ten Jumps That Are Just Too Difficult!

?You know you’re playing a great game when you can’t even jump over a hole. You can try all day…

9 years ago

‘Dodgy Dave’ Says Vote Leave FACTS are ‘Con Trick’

LONDON - England - Vote Leave responds to Remain campaign's David Cameron press release accusing them of a 'con trick'.

9 years ago

Defence Minister Says EU Threatens Our National Security

LONDON - England - Defence Minister Julian Brazier MP today makes the case that the EU undermines our national security…

9 years ago

If Britain Remains in EU We Will Lose Our Rebate

BRUSSELS - Belgium - If the UK stays in the EU, it will most certainly lose its long-standing rebate because…

9 years ago

Gove: The Optimistic Case For Taking Back Control of Our Borders, Money and Democracy

LONDON - England - Amongst a very negative EU referendum campaign led by David Cameron, Vote Leave has a positive,…

9 years ago

EU to Make Every Internet User Have Mandatory Government ID

BRUSSELS - Belgium - Every citizen of the EU who uses the internet will be forced to have a trackable…

9 years ago

Letter to the Prime Minister re: Claims That Ineligible EU Citizens Have Been Sent Polling Cards

LONDON - England - MPs Iain Duncan Smith and Bernard Jenkin, have written a letter to David Cameron with serious…

9 years ago

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