Newly Discovered Shakespearean Manuscript May Have Foreseen the EU Referendum

STRATFORD-UPON-AVON - England - Researchers for Cambridge University have uncovered a long forgotten Shakespeare manuscript at his birthplace and home…

9 years ago

Trump Gets Kiss of Death

IOWA - USA - Sarah Palin, the former governor of Alaska and Vice-Presidential candidate, endorsed Donald Trump for U.S. President…

9 years ago

Trump: “I Read Benito Mussolini Memoires Every Day”

NEW YORK - USA - Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump has outlined how he reads the memoires of Benito Mussolini…

9 years ago

EU Stick Knife Into Cameron

BRUSSELS - Belgium - The EU tears up asylum deal that allows Britain to remove 1,000 people a year, as…

9 years ago

The Big Short: No Need to Panic This is Just a Correction

NEW YORK - USA - The markets keep falling, will it ever end? Is this just the beginning? Maybe I…

9 years ago

Donald Trump: My Ku Klux Klan Daddy and Me

NEW YORK - USA - Donald Trump's dad was in the Ku Klux Klan, but that's okay because African Americans…

9 years ago

Black Overload: Oscars Go All White

LOS ANGELES - USA - The Hollywood Oscars this year are all about race according to disgruntled black actors, but…

9 years ago

Chancellor Merkel: Islamic Men Allowed Six German Wives Each

BERLIN - Germany - Speaking at the Bundestag on Monday, Chancellor Angela Merkel has stipulated that each Islamic male is…

9 years ago

Woman Gives Birth to Muslim Baby During Trump Meeting

WISCONSIN - USA - Carlata Olsen, 43, from Wisconsin, gave birth during a Donald Trump rally in her home town…

9 years ago

BREXIT: Britain Would Become Haven For Rich Disenchanted Danes, Germans, Swedes, French

LONDON - England - There is a misconception that Brexit would mean all ties with Europe would be over and…

9 years ago

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