Osborne’s Event Nose Dives as Fellow Campaigner Describes the EU as an ‘Evil Empire’

LONDON - England - George Osborne today made a pro-EU speech at Stansted Airport alongside Ryanair boss Michael O'Leary where…

9 years ago

Mass Unfettered Immigration Creates Perpetual Cultural Conflict Eventually Leading to War

LONDON - England - Mass unfettered migration delivered at a fast pace creates chaos, cultural destruction, civil unrest, and a…

9 years ago

‘Impartial’ BBC Leading Light For ‘StrongerIn’ Campaign

MANCHESTER - England - The BBC used to be impartial but isn't any more, especially during the EU referendum campaign.

9 years ago

Iain Duncan Smith: Cameron Gave Away Britain’s Veto During EU ‘Negotiations’

LONDON - England - Speaking in Enfield, last night, Iain Duncan Smith revealed that during the recent EU 'negotiations' David…

9 years ago

Vote Leave Hits Back at BSE Campaign Poster

LONDON - England - The Vote Leave campaign announces a new poster discrediting the government's Strongerin false propaganda posters.

9 years ago

Lord Lamont Responds to the IMF Scaremongering Propaganda

LONDON - England - In response to the IMF's further bout of scaremongering, Lord Lamont firmly puts the Institution in…

9 years ago

EU-Funded IMF Being Used to Bully the British people

LONDON - England - Further IMF scaremongering from Christine Lagarde is firmly debunked.

9 years ago

Publication of NI Number Registration Statistics by the Office for National Statistics Reveal Scale and Impact of Immigration

LONDON - England - The scale and impact of immigration from Europe is even higher than previously admitted. It is…

9 years ago

Brexit the Movie: Into the Belly of the EU Beast – A Must Watch

LONDON - England - The EU referendum is the most important vote for Britain in 40 years. This is why…

9 years ago

Skewed EU Referendum: Vote Leave Statement on ITV’s Decision to Allow the Prime Minister to Decide his Debate Opponent

LONDON - England - Vote Leave's statement on ITV's decision to allow the Prime Minister to decide his debate opponent…

9 years ago

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