LONDON - England - From birth, the human condition of distinction of differences is a natural human mechanism, conditioned over…
NEW YORK - USA - The United Nations security council has convened in emergency session after news trickled through that…
LOS ANGELES - USA - Celebrated narcissistic banal show off, Milo Yianapopopoulos has been hospitalised after undergoing an anal prolapse…
LONDON - England - Carey Mulligan, a deeply socialist actress has vowed to donate all her millions and go and…
LONDON - England - A team of experts have analysed EU army data coming in from Brussels, deeming it a…
LONDON - England - An urgent communique from the UK Secure think tank reveals the dangers present from the EU…
BRUSSELS - Belgium - Jean Claude Juncker has threatened Britain once again, this time using the menacing spectre of a…
PARIS - France - Former French president, Nikolas Sarkozy has admitted that it is France's fault that the Calais Jungle…
LONDON - England - The EU is increasing their federalist state daily, imposing restrictions on nations within the soviet bloc,…
LONDON - England - The Daily Squib predicted the EU army in 2012.
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