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The Daily Squib Anthology Book Now For Sale

As the editor of the Squib I can proudly announce that The Daily Squib Anthology From 2007 to 2022 is finally for sale.

Since founding the Daily Squib on April 1st 2007, many changes have taken place on the internet and indeed the globe. This is why this carefully curated anthology encapsulates those changes in a satirical manner. Fifteen years of different presidents, prime ministers, wars, peace and a myriad of little societal nuances that made up that period of history.

Looking for that curious unique gift for dad’s Christmas stocking, or something to read while taking the dump of the century in your toilet, the Daily Squib Anthology is the perfect celebration of our times, good and bad?

Come, join the circus, look at the clowns and listen to the troubadours as they usher in a new era for humanity, horrific yet beautiful at the same time, a glowing paradoxical dystopian paradise entrenched in reality show hell and fake celebrity appearances. All manner of fantastic beasts projectile vomiting over everything daringly encapsulating this curious rare book compiled with the indomitable spirit of Juvenalis in mind, but furnished within a modern 21st century outlook.

A bold erupting satisfying fart into the darkest and illuminating facets of humanity’s wonders, The Daily Squib Anthology is now available to buy direct from the publisher or from Amazon, or from any good bookshop.

Get your copy now, the first 150 are signed by the author.

The book will only be released in paperback.

daily squib book signed

Beyond Satire: Low IQ American Tears Up Greek Flags Thinking They’re Israeli


Some Americans are so fucking stupid, and we emphasise the word “some” because not all Americans are as dumb as this low-IQ African American woman who apparently is an internet “influencer”. What kind of education level do these people have? How can anyone be as dumb as this fucking loser, as to not even realise that a Greek flag is not an Israeli flag? This goes way beyond satire, into a realm of fuck knows…

The person in the video touts herself as an influencer, and that is another sad point about the times we are living in right now.

African Americans already have a bad reputation, and this woman does not do much for the African American cause.

Televangelist Russell Brand Peddling Magical Amulets For 449 Euros


It is obvious that poor old Russell Brand has no dignity left in his blackened soul, because not only is he now touting himself as a god-botherer devout Christian televangelist, but he’s flogging magical amulets for only 449 euros for a pack of six of these fucking scam objects. The amulet also seems to work against all of Brand’s alleged rape offences, as does his newly found repentance within the Christian religion. All court cases and accusers have since disappeared into the mire, which is damn good news for Russell, as he can continue to rake in vast sums of wonga from selling Holy Water and magical amulets for obscene prices. God truly does work in mysterious ways.

According to the gobbledygook transcendental neo science flouted by the company that pays Brand to promote these magical amulets, they protect you from Wi-Fi radiation, and all sorts of other stuff. They can also make you stronger and be immune to bad vibes and shit.

How about some pepper spray to protect us from the corrupting signals of Russell Brand, the preaching televangelist from Hell? One wonders what else Russell Brand may be selling in the future, perhaps Jehovah’s sandals or Jesus of Nazareth’s surfboard, maybe even a piece of the Holy Foreskin, a relic that was considered the holiest of the holy for nearly 1,000 years, but is now sadly missing. Maybe, some sicko is using it as a piece of Holy chewing gum or something. Who knows? Perhaps Russ Boy can sell replicas of the Holy Foreskin at £5,000 a pop on his show? Made in China, they will cost 15 pence to make, and the markup would be fucking huge!

The Holy Foreskin of Jesus relic arrived in Rome around 799 AD when King Charlemagne of France presented it as a gift to Pope Leo III. It remained in the papal Sancta Sanctorum reliquary until the sacking of Rome in 1527. It was stolen from the Chiesa del SS. Nome di Gesù in 1983.

Russell Brand has to pay the bills in his mansion somehow, so who the hell are we to question such acts of trickery peddled upon vulnerable conspiracy theorists and the mentally ill listeners of his narcissistic self-serving podcasts?

Send him your fucking money NOW!

Labour: It’s Basically a Free-For-All Until the Money Runs Out


The sclerotic Labour government do not know what they are doing, why they are doing the insane things they are doing, or where they are going. Now they want to give fat jabs to the unemployed so that they can get off their couches and work. The sheer cost of that alone would be enormous, but they don’t care, and neither should anyone else. The key factor here is that it’s going to be a free-for-all for a little time, but soon when the money runs out and the tax has taxed everyone and everything into nothingness, then the shit will truly hit the fan.

Keir Starmer, the bumbling irritating nasal-voiced village idiot, probably has an IQ lower than a bar of soap, and while he mumbles about enabling UK business, he is at the same time adding punitive taxes and ridiculous amounts of red tape to every process, along with economically unsound employment regulations that will bankrupt many businesses and cause them irreparable damage. With his irritating preachy nasal voice that could grate cheese, he says one thing but his actions and the actions of his already destitute government does the exact opposite. How the fuck can anyone operate within such a preposterous environment?

So, here’s the plan. These fuckers don’t know whether they’re coming or going. We have already established that fact. What people need to do is to plan a reasonable and effective exit out of the UK before the magic socialist money tree runs out. Before that time, yes one can profit by going along with the uneconomical socialist madness, maybe milk it a little, milk the elongated teat of governmental ineptitude and delusion, but we all know that socialism only works when it’s using other people’s money, when that money runs out they’re fucked. A famous female politician once said that, and in her wisdom, she was very right.


What will happen when the magic socialist money tree stops bearing fruit? Well, the thousands of wealthy millionaires, and companies who have already left the UK, know what happens when the socialist money tree becomes barren, and they left with haste. Labour will not only impoverish the poor further, but their redistribution of wealth system will essentially impoverish the entire middle class and remnants of old-money that stayed behind. This in communist ideological terms is called collectivisation, where wealth is stolen from the wealthy and redistributed, thus making those who worked hard all their lives to be wealthy equally poor as those who never worked a day in their fucking lives. In the deranged minds of the socialists, this is true equality because no one now has a pot to piss in, we will all be “equal”. For the socialists, this is a success, a job well done, but in reality it is of course the ruination of a country’s economy, and funnily enough the ruination of the socialist system itself. Without the rich to milk for their socialist pet projects, the government will be left with nothing.

What happens when there is nothing left to milk? Well, we have more industrial strikes, we have more riots, hyperinflation, and we will probably see a big rise in fascism. The far-right, the true far-right, not just people who care about their country, but the extremities of the right will capitalise on the unrest and discontent. Starmer’s and Reeves’ insane, idiotic plans will have awakened a sleeping giant, and the daily riots will increase in ferocity and frequency. Shops will be looted as starving citizens who have essentially been abandoned by the Labour idiocracy will gladly loot the local supermarkets to put some food on their plates. There will be no money for the benefits system or NHS, therefore the feeling of real discontent will increase ten-fold as mobs of angry people, including pensioners, take to the streets in their mobility scooters and wheelchairs. The fucking scum train drivers and Stalinist unions who demanded a 15% rise of their wages of £80,000 won’t have trains to run, as most will have been burned to shells, or they cannot run any more due to fuel shortages, and electricity blackouts. Their vast, inflated salaries and pensions will dry up. Net Zero means exactly that, zero! It means blackouts, and shipping expensive fuel from a distant country at great expense to the UK. When there is no money left, there will be no energy. People will be burning their furniture in their fireplaces to keep warm. That’s fucking Net Zero, because it is a concept that can only work with a reduced population, and Labour is bringing in millions, upon millions of poor unskilled migrants from the Third World into the UK every year needlessly inflating an already overcrowded, oversubscribed crumbling system.

As Jim Morrison once said: “I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I hope we get our kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.”

If you stay in the UK, you are fucked! But, don’t for a second think that all will be better elsewhere, because communist woke socialistic Marxist principles have been incorporated in many other countries, so choose your destination wisely.

Work Harder So Your Tax Money Can be Spent On Albanian Criminals


It pays to be an Albanian criminal in the UK. It certainly does not pay to work your entire life in a legitimate job, only to see the Labour government, under orders from the ECHR allow a convicted criminal to stay in the country and have your tax money lavished upon them.

This is the case with an Albanian criminal who was initially deported out of the UK but sneaked back into the country, and was allowed to stay, committing more crimes.

Dorian Puka, a 28-year-old serial Albanian criminal who has been imprisoned and deported twice due to burglary charges, shared a photo of himself dining and enjoying a drink. The image was digitally altered to include Mr Farage, the leader of Reform UK, giving a thumbs-up gesture.

The Albanian offender shared a 90-second video on his TikTok and Instagram accounts, showcasing himself driving a £300,000 Ferrari through London streets. His social media profile features photos with various luxury vehicles such as a Porsche Cayenne, Mercedes G-Wagon, Bentley Bentayga, BMW X5, Mercedes AMG, and Jaguar XF. While the origin of his wealth is unclear, reports from Albania indicate that he resides in a £250,000 apartment in Hounslow, West London.

This is why, as a taxpayer, you need to work harder every day so that your tax money goes towards these people flooding into the country. Just think, for every pound you make, seventy pence of that goes to people like this Albanian criminal, currently making a laughingstock out of Britain.

Who are the clever ones? The people who do not work but receive taxpayer money to live a lavish life with no constraints, plenty of time to relax and enjoy their lives, or the ones who break their backs commuting, and working 9-5 dismal jobs?

At the end of the day, you will be a used-up piece of fucking meat as you have been put through the meat grinder countless times, and a large portion of your life spent in traffic jams, overcrowded, smelly buses and trains getting to a from work. Most people only have cancer or dementia to look forward to by the time they get to the retirement age of 75. It will be a pointless death, as you are a mere tax number, and your insignificant life has withered away into the eternal blackness.

Who in their right mind would aspire to become successful in the UK when as soon as your salary or income reaches a certain level, the government robs you of much of your wealth? This alone is a serious deterrent, and is proof that it is futile to work or try to start a business in Britain today. There is absolutely no incentive to work in Britain. It is far better to either be a criminal making vast sums of money that will not be siphoned off by the taxman or live a life off the State.

Those are the basic choices one has left in the UK that are reasonably agreeable.

What Is Child-Resistant Packaging and Why Is It Important?


In a world where safety precautions are paramount, child-resistant packaging stands as a crucial safeguard in the healthcare landscape and is a vital safety measure in healthcare, preventing accidental medication ingestion by children. Often underestimated, it’s crucial for protecting lives and meeting industry standards, with the World Health Organisation (WHO) citing it as the “best-documented cause of the reduction of child poisoning in the developed world” since 2008. This post will cover the key benefits and types of child-resistant packaging.

Understanding Child-Resistant Packaging

Child-resistant packaging is designed to keep children under 52 months from accessing harmful substances while remaining accessible to adults. Achieving this balance requires precise engineering and innovative design. Such packaging must pass specific safety tests to meet regulatory standards and is essential for pharmaceuticals, household chemicals, and any potentially harmful products.

Beyond legal compliance, child-resistant packaging signifies a commitment to safety and responsibility in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries. By integrating these measures, companies demonstrate their dedication to consumer safety. For healthcare professionals, understanding the effectiveness of child-resistant packaging enhances patient care and safety.

The Importance of Adhering to Industry Regulations

Compliance with child-resistant packaging regulations is essential in many regions to protect children from accidental harm. While ethical responsibility motivates the adoption of these measures, manufacturers must also meet specific industry standards.

Benefits of Child-Resistant Packaging for the Industry

Child-resistant packaging offers key advantages for the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries. It reduces the risk of accidental ingestion by children, preventing health crises, non-fatal injuries, and illnesses from chemical exposure, while also minimising legal liabilities. The World Health Organisation, UNICEF, and regulatory authorities recognise its life-saving capabilities.

Beyond safety, this packaging enhances brand reputation by demonstrating a commitment to childproofing, boosting customer trust and loyalty. It prevents accidental spillages, preserves product quality, and provides convenience with reclosable designs. For companies, it ensures regulatory compliance and supports innovation, benefiting the entire supply chain.

Types of Child-Resistant Packaging

Child-resistant packaging comes in various forms, each tailored to meet specific needs and preferences. Some of the most common types include:

1. Push-and-Turn Caps

Push-and-turn caps, commonly found on medication bottles, require a specific sequence of actions to open, making them difficult for children to manipulate. While they are highly effective for child safety, these caps remain easy for adults to use. This balance of security and convenience makes push-and-turn caps a popular choice for pharmaceutical products.

2. Blister Packs

Blister packs, used for tablets and capsules, consist of individual compartments that are accessed one at a time, making it harder for children to access the entire contents. This design also protects the medication from environmental factors like moisture and air, maintaining its effectiveness. Additionally, blister packs are beneficial for medications that require strict dosage control.

3. Squeeze-and-Twist Lids

Squeeze-and-twist lids require both squeezing and twisting to open, creating a strong barrier against child access. Commonly used for household products like cleaning agents and personal care items, their dual-action design makes them ideal for products stored within children’s reach. This packaging effectively balances safety and practicality.

4. Child-Resistant Bottles

A critical element in preventing accidental poisonings, child-resistant bottles offer a secure solution for storing medications and potentially hazardous substances. By employing caps that require coordinated pressure and rotation to open, these bottles effectively reduce the risk of children accessing harmful contents, thus contributing to home safety and peace of mind for parents and caregivers.

Innovations in The Future of Child-Resistant Packaging

Technological advancements are driving innovation in child-resistant packaging, leading to more effective and user-friendly designs. One notable development is the integration of digital elements, such as sensors, that alert users to tampering or improper sealing, enhancing security and providing peace of mind.

Additionally, sustainable materials are increasingly being used in child-resistant designs, aligning with consumer preferences for eco-friendly products. This shift towards green packaging reflects the industry’s commitment to innovation and environmental responsibility.

The Role of the Packaging Industry

The packaging industry is crucial for developing and implementing child-resistant solutions. By collaborating with healthcare professionals and pharmaceutical companies, manufacturers can ensure their products meet high safety standards.

Research and development are essential for creating innovative solutions that address emerging challenges, helping companies stay ahead of regulatory changes and consumer expectations. Additionally, ongoing education and training are vital for keeping up with advancements and best practices, ensuring the reliability of child-resistant packaging.

Promoting Best Practices in Child-Resistant Packaging

To maximise the benefits of child-resistant packaging, best practices must be promoted across the industry. This includes adhering to regulatory standards, conducting regular safety evaluations, and incorporating consumer feedback into design improvements.

Manufacturers and healthcare professionals should collaborate to raise public awareness through educational campaigns that highlight proper use. For instance, studies show that 85% of child-resistant packaging failures occur when adults fail to secure the packaging correctly. By adopting a proactive safety approach, the industry can foster a culture of responsibility and innovation, enhancing consumer trust and driving continuous improvement.

Child-resistant packaging for Pharmaceuticals

Child-resistant packaging is vital for healthcare and pharmaceutical industries, protecting against accidental ingestion by children. By following regulations and best practices, companies can enhance safety and improve their brand reputation while establishing innovation in the packaging sector. Healthcare professionals and industry leaders should understand various packaging types to make informed decisions. Staying connected with industry experts and resources can help create a safer future for everyone.

Commissar Hislop Editor of Far-left Magazine to Appear on GB News


BBC darling and member of the back-slapping far-left metropolitan elite socialist cabal of Marxist propaganda committee of Sissinghurst, Commissar Ian Hislop is set to appear on populist British news station GB News, it has been announced.

When not being a target of imaginary assassination attempts upon himself by non-existent assassins who really don’t give a shit if he lives or dies, commissar Hislop also edits a now far-left turned soporific magazine that used to be dangerous and edgy once, but now just panders to the usual banal socialist agendas of the day. Apart from being boring as fuck, commissar Hislop is also deeply predictable and entrenched in generic socialist talking-points that are commonly encountered during most necropurulent virtue-signalling, champagne socialist dinner parties or similar back-slapping, bottom-sniffing meetings at the illustrious Groucho Club in Soho.

GB News executive, Daryl Rhea, revealed that they have invited commissar Hislop to come to their television studios to film a special feature of the GB News £36,000 giveaway stint which they play on loop every 15 minutes of broadcasting day and night.

“We thought we would bring in commissar Hislop, to rear his pompous old boy network, socialist rancescent face to sell more premium phone charges that suck in our core audience of poor boiled gammon slapping bastards across the Midlands. It’s only £6,500 to send in a text, and £45,000/minute to phone in for a chance to win £36,000!”

But then again, who the fuck are we to quibble?

Comrade Starmer Destroys Portraits of Iconic British Historic Figures


Communist Bolshevik supreme leader of Soviet Britain has replaced the portraits of Great British historic figures Queen Elizabeth I, Sir Walter Raleigh, Margaret Thatcher, and Winston Churchill with portraits of Pol Pot, Josef Stalin, Vladimir Lenin and Karl Marx.

“I did not feel comfortable being around those iconic portraits of British historic leaders that defined what made Britain Great. As you have already surmised, dear comrades, my goal is to subvert Britain, to rewrite British history within the confines of Woke Soviet communist ideology. Anything that previously made this country a force to be reckoned with, I want ruined. These imperialistic symbols of a time when Britain Ruled the Waves is offensive to my communist ideals. I want to kill off anything about Britain that made it a powerful, strong and creative nation.”

Part of comrade Starmer’s soviet 5-year-plan, the once great country of Britain is earmarked to be turned into a dystopian communist third-world shithole, Stasi poverty-stricken police surveillance repressive communist nanny state. All portraits and statues depicting a previous Britain that depicted economic growth, prosperity, ingenuity and global success are an anathema to comrade Starmer’s vision of a pinko communist fuck hole of destitution and nightmarish levels of woke dictatorship.

All portraits of iconic British historic figures will be burned, along with all British literature, before Comrade Starmer came to power. Any citizen of Soviet Britain found with an image of a previous British historical icon or British literature before the age of Comrade Starmer will be detained and erased from Soviet Britain.

As well as killing off economic growth, capitalism and any form of aspiration in Britain, Comrade Starmer has vowed to destroy the evil of British history and British culture.


Offshore Vs. Onshore Casinos: Key Differences


Modern online gamblers have two primary choices for where to place their bets: offshore and onshore casinos. Offshore casinos are based in foreign countries and accept players from multiple regions, often without being directly regulated by the player’s country of residence. Onshore casinos operate within a specific country and are subject to the laws and regulations of that jurisdiction.

A major attraction of offshore casinos is that they typically feature far fewer restrictions than locally regulated sites. For example, betting limits are often stringently regulated with onshore sites, but less so on offshore alternatives. Sites that operate abroad also don’t need to abide by Gamstop rules. Gamstop is a self-exclusion programme that provides a means for vulnerable players to control their playing time and access to online casinos.

The UKGC has made this scheme mandatory for all sites registered in the UK, leaving many players feeling restricted. Generally, the best casinos not on Gamstop are offshore sites. Given that these sites are based outside the UK, they do not need to abide by the UKGC’s rules.

Offshore sites puts control in the players’ hands, rather than having a third party intervene through a mandatory program. Additionally, non-Gamstop sites also offer a wealth of other perks like immediate payouts, less stringent registration processes, and better bonuses, making them far more attractive to players than locally registered sites with all their rules and limitations.

Here are some other key differences between offshore and onshore casinos:

Game Variety

Offshore Casinos Usually Offer A Broader Game Selection

Since offshore casinos aren’t bound by local gambling laws, these platforms can collaborate with a wide range of game developers across the world. Players are likely to find a larger variety of slot machines, table games, and niche games such as Keno and Sic Bo at them as a result.

Onshore Casinos Provide Localised Game Options

Onshore casinos might be somewhat limited by the local regulations they operate under. They will often prioritise games that are popular or licensed in a specific country or region. In some cases, players may not find certain game types or variants due to regulatory restrictions.

Bonuses and Promotions

Offshore Casinos Have Frequent, Attractive Offers

Offshore casinos offer substantial welcome bonuses, free spins, cashback deals, and high loyalty rewards programs. Since these casinos operate without the same regulatory scrutiny as onshore platforms, they have more flexibility in offering promotions that are both larger and more frequent.

Onshore Casinos Have More Regulated Competitive Bonuses

Bonuses and promotions in onshore casinos are usually subject to regulatory oversight, so they’re often smaller in size compared to their offshore counterparts. Onshore casinos still offer competitive welcome bonuses and promotions to attract local players, with fewer strings attached in terms of wagering requirements.

Payment Options

Offshore Casinos Accept a Wider Range of Payment Methods

Offshore casinos generally offer a wider selection of payment methods due to their global reach. These include credit/debit cards and e-wallets like Skrill and NETELLER. Players from various countries can select the payment method that works best for them, making offshore casinos more convenient for international audiences. Cryptocurrency has become popular at offshore casinos, offering anonymity and fast transactions without being limited by country-specific banking rules.

Onshore Casinos Offer Localised and Regulated Payment Methods

Onshore casinos tend to offer more localised payment methods. These include bank transfers, credit/debit cards, and local e-wallets that are well-established in the region. Since they are regulated by local authorities, onshore casinos must comply with financial regulations and anti-money laundering laws, which may limit the use of certain payment methods like cryptocurrencies.

Legal and Regulatory Frameworks

Regulatory Loopholes with Offshore Casinos

One of the key factors that set offshore casinos apart is their legal standing. Many offshore casinos operate in countries with lenient gambling laws, which allows them to accept players from countries where online gambling is illegal or highly regulated.
This legal grey area means that players can often gamble at offshore casinos without fear of legal consequences, though this varies by country. However, players may face challenges when trying to resolve disputes with offshore operators due to the lack of oversight from local authorities.

Onshore Casinos Have Strict Regulatory Oversight

Onshore casinos operate within the legal framework of the country in which they are based. These platforms are subject to strict regulatory oversight, which includes regular audits, compliance with anti-money laundering laws, and ensuring fair play.
This offers an additional layer of protection for players. Disputes can be resolved through local regulatory bodies, providing greater peace of mind for those concerned about fairness and security.

Customer Support and Accessibility

Offshore Casinos Offer 24/7 Availability, But Variable Quality

Offshore casinos usually cater to a global audience, offering 24/7 customer support through various channels such as live chats, email, and phone. However, the quality of customer service can vary widely between different offshore operators. Language barriers can also be a challenge at offshore casinos.

Onshore Casinos Have Localised Support with Higher Accountability

Onshore casinos typically provide localised customer support, making it easier for players to receive assistance in their own language. The support staff is usually more familiar with the specific regulations and concerns of local players.

Elon Musk Was Tasked With Bringing True Surveillance to Intelligence Agencies


Think about this, it is not enough to have internet surveillance data, mobile phone data, financial data, or even listening devices like Amazon Alexa/Echo funnelled directly to intelligence networks from people’s homes. The true last bastion in the home is an active robot, whether it is a robotic vehicle or a humanoid robot. If someone or something lives with you, they will definitely glean more of an insight about you and your life. Surveillance and data gathering will have thus reached new levels. Elon Musk is thus at the forefront of this task given to him, and it does not end there either, the final-final bastion is the human brain itself, and Musk has that covered as well with his internal brain implants, which will be touted soon enough as a mode of increasing human intelligence levels. The Musk brain implant is still in its early phase, but the roll-out for robotic vehicles and humanoid robots is an open reality which is being actioned right now, as was witnessed at Musk’s most recent event.

Even though the robot displayed in the above video pouring drinks was basically an expensive remote control toy being operated by a human behind the scenes, it does give us a small glimpse into the near future, where autonomous robots will function in the service industries, corporate world and in homes across the world.

Musk claims these robots will be marketed at the $30k mark, as well as the Robotaxis. That’s probably a pipe dream during the early distribution cycle, but with enough of these machines being bought, it could definitely become a reality. Much like the automobile or the television were initially expensive when they were distributed globally, the price of new technology eventually becomes affordable to everyone given time.

The Robotaxi will eventually revolutionise the urban transport landscape with not only effective transportation, but with regulating traffic across all roads. Instead of jams and bottlenecks in traffic, all of these vehicles will travel at a lower speed than traditional vehicles, and they will all be regulated in their behaviour with an almost hive type of mind ensuring that the traffic jams of the past are a distant memory. Yes, surveillance of your every conversation, and travel destination will be implemented, but no one cares about privacy any more. Human taxi drivers will also be a thing of the past, but during his presentation, Elon suggested that the former taxi drivers can purchase entire fleets of Robotaxis and thus continue making money.

The service industry in the UK is truly awful, therefore it actually would be great to have robots serving in restaurants and bars. It would make a change from some grumpy fucker slamming down your plate then demanding a huge tip afterwards.

As is always the case though, what costs $30,000 in the U.S. will invariably be priced at £65,000 in the UK, that is if we ever get distribution over here. Most likely, robots will be rolled out years after the Americans get first dibs.

If you are fearful of the loss of privacy with these new robots, forget about it. Personal privacy was lost by humans decades ago. That ship has sailed from port a long, long time ago. Today, there is zero privacy, and it’s going to stay that way from now on. There is nothing anyone can do now about the level of surveillance on each individual.

At the end of the day, what will make the robots a success will be their data mining potential. The agencies and companies interested in this data will be paying top dollar for it, and it will bring new insights into the habits of consumers. The drawbacks are of course that many people in the service industries will lose their jobs, but that is a minor consideration to the giant leap forward in technological advancement and technique.

Nice One! Labour Loses Over £1 Billion in Potential UK Investment


Ferry company P&O owner, the Dubai based DP World, has just pulled the plug on a planned £1 billion expansion of one of Britain’s biggest container hubs after Labour Party Deputy Angela Rayner attacked the company in a vicious verbal assault. This is a huge loss for the British economy and reveals the absolute incompetence of the socialist party that is effectively taking the UK firmly into the Stone Age. In terms of Taylor Swift tickets, one billion quid could have sent the entire Labour Party and not just the hierarchy to her concert.

£1 billion

Sultan Ahmed bin Sulayem, the DP World boss, will no longer attend the investment summit on Monday after Ms Haigh and Angela Rayner, the Deputy Prime Minister, singled out the company for punishment this week.

In other news, Qatar is selling a £306m stake in Sainsbury’s a week after the supermarket’s chief executive warned that Labour’s Budget uncertainty was hitting sales.

Give it another year of Labour and there will be no companies or investors left in the UK. After their 5-year term of ineptitude, expect the former British Isles to resemble a barren wasteland.

Labour’s fucked up growth plan:

  • Encourage people who pay a lot of taxes to leave the UK.
  • Welcome anyone who promises to make no economic contribution to the UK. Pay millions of these zero skilled migrants billions in benefits, housing, NHS, and free cash to do nothing apart from burden all public services, fracture British society and bankrupt the nation further.
  • Welcome foreign criminals, organised gangs and terrorists.
  • Let potential investors know that they won’t be accepted in the UK.
  • Legislate ridiculous socialist laws to deter employers from employing anyone.
  • Purge the private sector of investment capital.
  • Grant Big State public sector employees infinite pay and pension rises when they demand them.
  • Ask the EU if they can come up with any suitable new regulations that we could adopt.
  • Borrow trillions more, adding to the UK’s already huge debt.
  • Impose punitive, poverty inducing bonkers Net Zero targets.
  • Pander to any union whim, as industrial strikes increase daily.