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HomeEntertainmentParis Hilton Converts to Buddhism

Paris Hilton Converts to Buddhism

LOS ANGELES - USA - Former socialite, Paris Hilton has now decided to convert to Buddhism, after sensationally converting to Islam last week, her press officer, Ian Brinkham has revealed.


“What can we say, Paris thought she was into that other religion last week but she gets bored all too easily. Besides, the praying five times a day thing with fasting was really getting on her tits. She likes to dress in fetish gear daily as well, and underneath her Burqa it was getting way too stinky,” Mr Brinkham revealed.

What was tipped as a major turning point in Islamic Western relations has now turned into a farce of epic proportions with even President Obama getting involved.

“I keep getting Middle Eastern leaders phoning me on the hotline praising Paris Hilton for her conversion to Islam. I then try to explain to them who Paris Hilton is, but they don’t get it,” a frustrated Barack Obama relayed through his press office.




The former glamour model and ex-heiress, who has slept with a reputed 12,000 people so far, seems to be finally reaching enlightenment and celebrated her spiritual journey yesterday by splashing out on a pair of $8,000 shoes.

She met former felon, Bodhidharma Mahatma Ibn Himar during the same retail therapy session at the famous Rodeo Drive shopping area in Beverly Hills and was convinced to join his Buddhist sect.

“I think this time this is the right religion for her. Although I have to say she has been through about 23 religions and cults this year alone,” her sister, Nicky Hilton told TMZ.

Paris’ latest boyfriend, Brad Mullet, opined: “Paris tried Islam for a week. Now she’s being mentored by a Buddhist monk and I guess two weeks from now she might try something else.”

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  1. Islam isn’t an easy religion to leave – Sharia law insists on the death penalty for those who do

  2. I'm extremely frighten of her feet there so scary to even look at sweet Jesus that's all I can notice screw this story, EWWWWWW I totally thought it was photo shop!!!

  3. Better go and read your men made bible whats its written about islam, you guys are following what yout godfather st benadict saying, if he says rabbit has 3 legs you pple also will say yes, becos you ppls havent knowledge of your own religion, first find the rabbish in your own path and come to us,

  4. some people likes to pray to idols,cows,human,etc and they insult islam without an evidence
    i tell ya something you would never find a mistake in quran
    lol , look at you sam it's all because of your lust
    thanks for your comment Islam Follower
    Try to read some Islamic real books of Character and Belief but not made by Jewesh and Cristians, may be you can find the answer.

  5. a great thing happen,budhism spread all over the world,because it give solid true answers to the life,not like others,it s a practise of peace,wisdo and tolerance,these are embrasing the budhism not by anty force/piece of bread/cup of milk.

    budha bless u


  6. I initially read the link about Paris becoming Muslim from a link posted in FB by my cousin. Then someone posted HAHAHAHA.. then the next post.. they said no it's true, next line, gave this link. If you would scroll down to the bottom of this page… it clearly states, © Copyright 2011 http://www.dailysquib.co.uk | The Daily Squib is a curious satirical publication and should therefore be taken fu**ing seriously 😉

    Satire is defined as noun
    the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc.
    a literary composition, in verse or prose, in which human folly and vice are held up to scorn, derision, or ridicule.
    a literary genre comprising such compositions.

    It's supposed to be for entertainment purposes… It's not meant to create disharmony against religions or have people attack one another based on their beliefs.

    see you islam ppl just get 2 overconfident thinking you're the righteous one
    see what that bitch actually is

  8. Look, insulting religions will get you nowhere in life. I'm not agreeing with what you say about how Islam isn't a religion, it's a cult, etc. I'm not muslim, I'm christian, and I have a few muslim friends. Let's say I got a bit curious. I read the entire Quran translated. Not one bit seems to critique jews or christians. Tim, do your research before you make us all look like ignorant retards who are not accepting to others. Islam is a beautiful religion, it's the media and other extremists that make it look like it supports terror. Oh, and their "Allah" is the same god for jews and christians. Allah is just an arabic translation of the word GOD. 🙂


  9. lol sam
    u talkin lik an idiot.u sayin religion is lik a game or somthin,whenever u dont lik it,leave & tak anothr. believin in religion means belivin in a god.how it can be possible for any religion to accept dat u disbelief in its words? and how u expect dat god will accept u belivin in fake gods & not belivin on him?use ur brain,not just dick

  10. can i ask you tim one thing ?
    did we insult your religone? , so thats why you are mad ?
    look allah recomanded us to not harm any other religone or people who arenot muslim so they will not hurt us . so please do not speak somthing that it will hurts us . and then we will not hurt you . i respect your religone but for exchange you must respect my religone too.
    i hope that you understand what iam talking .
    aslam alekom

  11. it's easy..because they don't understand..people don't understand..because they don't get the light from the creator…Just like teaching add math to a children 2 years old? it's crazy..but,,she is trying…hoping that she will find the true and only right way…yet,,,I still hoping that Allah will open her soft-hearted heart to convert to Islam….who knows? Only Allah knows…she is only trying…just poor to her…

    To iloveIslam: Relax..you are right..
    To Matt: watch your words….He never hate you..but HE hate all those poor bad attitude,,those disgreatfull and never worshipping HIM…..comes to Islam…or,,before you want to try to understand your own religion,,try to understand yourself man! where you come? where you will go after this life? is your life is only about "this fucking-shit-ass"thing? attitude reflect all thing… because it is already stated in Holy Quran :

    Surah Mu'minun 23:52-54
    And verily! this your religion (of Islâmic Monotheism) is one religion, and I am your Lord, so keep your duty to Me.But they (men) have broken their religion among them into sects, each group rejoicing in what is with it (as its belief).So leave them in their error for a time.

    and Muhammad said to those believers : Surah Baqarah 2:6
    Verily, those who disbelieve, it is the same to them whether you (O Muhammad Peace be upon him ) warn them or do not warn them, they will not believe.

    hope you can understand yourself first matt,,understand your family,,understand your religion,,then try to understand Islam….then you can shut up your mouth….think it carefully..

  12. to find the sweetnest of a religion,,you have to feel it..not to think about it… Just like pouring sugar in a drink..to taste the sugar,,don't put a cube,,put it more…(this only example)..For Sam,,you are actually out of the true way thinking of Islam…just like love,,,when you like someone,,you will put aside all bad think about her,,right?because you already fall in love with her…But ,,based on what?if you like a girl because of her body shape,,and how "hot" is her,,then u will like her..but then,,when there is no sincerity in your heart feeling,,you will dumb her…RIGHT? all based on our intentions… REGARDLESSLY,,, Allah said,,,the Jewish,, The Buddhist,, The Monk, The Hindust..any human kind or creature,,all come from baby… we all are once baby…from the sperm and the ovary…..and In the Holy Quran, Allah speaks about the stages of man's embryonic development, 1,400 years before modern day scientists 'discovered' important information on creation of man and his development: * We created man from an extract of clay. Then We made him as a drop in a place of settlement, firmly fixed. Then We made the drop into an alaqah (leech, suspended thing, and blood clot), then We made the alaqah into a mudghah (chewed-like substance)…[Noble Quran 23:12-14]

    Literally the Arabic word alaqah has 3 meanings:
    suspended thing
    blood clot

    1. "In comparing a leech to the embryo at the alaqah stage, we find similarity between the two."
    [The Developing Human p.8]
    "Also, the embryo as this stage obtains nourishment from the blood of the mother, similar to the leech which feeds on the blood of others."
    [Human Development as Described in Quran and Sunnah p.36]

    2. The second meaning of the word alaqah is 'suspended thing'. The suspension of the embryo, during the alaqah stage, in the womb of the mother very appropriately fits this description.

    3. The third meaning of the word alaqah is 'blood clot'. We find that the external appearance of the embryo and its sacs during the alaqah stage is similar to that of a blood clot. This is due to the presence of relatively large amounts of blood present in the embryo during this stage. Also during this stage the blood in the embryo does not circulate until the end of the third week. So the embryo at this stage is like a clot of blood.

    For further info,,click this link… http://www.scienceislam.com/quran_human_embryonic_development.php

    And Sam,,we all Muslim don't married someone for how "hot" he/she is…or how super-model they are..a truth muslim never do that…Plus,,we don't get married with someone we don't like… we married based on peace and tranquility…

    "And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in peace and tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): Verily in that are signs for those who reflect" (Quran 30:21).

    you can click this link to know more…http://www.islamawareness.net/Marriage/shahina.html

  13. And Tim's the only one here who's right. He's the only one who gets it. Also, note how all the mohammedans choose to misspell and use horrible grammar. Religion of peace and knowledge indeed.

  14. "Jack", a Muslim is answerable for every word that comes out of his mouth. Profanity and personal insults are haram, yes, haram, in Islam. Behave yourself.

  15. jack, dont get angry, she will never increase or decrease islame neither all the creation and mainkinds, islam is permanentaly remains with us or without us,

    if the person converted 2 muslim he will protect him self from permanent punishment, that is the issue

  16. Well , have u ever tried to read about Islam and Prophet Muhammad from Islamic books other than listening from media or reading random articles ? 🙂
    have u ever tried ,even by curiosity , to read a translated version of the Quraan ?
    have u ever heard that a muslim insulted Jesus Christ or Moses (peace be upon Them) ? 🙂
    and if ,as u said , Muhammad was making it up , how could a man from the arabian land ever knew about past religions , past prophets , past nations , even scientific phenomenon that were proved recently?
    You are talking about self-criticism , then go back read an "Original" copy of the Bible.
    why are u keeping criticizing and insulting Islam , at the time you dont even know a single True fact about anything in Islam .
    And remember if u wanna know anything about Islam , just go to trusted sources who can speak of themselves instead of just watching ignorant media .

  17. In reply to "proud to be muslim" you also may look further into our book, and realize that Islam is not Muhammad's religion alone.. it is Abraham's religion initially and hence all prophets descending from Abraham i.e. Moses, Jesus, etc.. are also muslim regardless of the different naming whether, Jewish, Christian, Muslim.. We all worship the same God, and if you think logically.. Why would a pious and well behaved Christian or Jew maybe doomed to hell, while a corrupt Muslim may e in heaven.. It is not for the likes of your nor I to judge that.. It is God's judgement..
    P.S. actual heaven or hell may vary from your perception.

  18. ur the biggest loser in the world idk wat u are and which bitch decided to shit u out but dont make fun of other religons cuz ur religion might be fucked up to Islam is a good religion and I am muslim I hope ur fucking mom kills ur dad with HIV and then dies herself givin u aids to and lung cancer try fuckin rest in peace than bitch.

  19. islam is the best religon not christian kissing an donig bad things we muslimas are the best people in the world

  20. The Holy Quran and Hadeeth (prophetic sayings) both stress the importance of following Islam. God states:

    “…The only religion in the sight of God is Islam…” (Quran 3:19)

    In another verse of the Holy Quran, God states:

    “If anyone desires a religion other than Islam, never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter, he will be in the ranks of those who have lost (their selves in the Hellfire).” (Quran 3:85)

  21. Hey! sam,,, nice shot! but sorry to say, this comment is one among the million comments of Idiot People against ISlam…. You know why?

    just find it out……

    anyway… Try to read some Islamic real books of Character and Belief but not made by Jewesh and Cristians, may be you can find the answer…


  22. It must be hell to be born a gay or lesbian into a muslim family. Imagine being forced to have sex with someone not "natural" to your personal sexual orientation. These poor souls – trapped by a primitive and barbaric doctrine that insisted on being called a religion. islam is not a religion but gives all religions a bad names. This is why athiests think all religions are bad simply because of the violence common in islam that is mistakened for religious activities. All religions will be better off without islam claiming as a religion in itself. No other religions prohibits their followers from converting into another religion except islam. This is very similar to joining the mafia or some underworld scumbags, because if you leave their organization, you'll be murdered. Paris is lucky she is in the U.S and protected from the horrible consequences of converting away from islam. If she was in a islamic country, things would not be so pretty. They'll probably cut her nose out or spoon out both her eyeballs for abandoning islam. I'm not exaggerating.

  23. your allah in the quran is very disrespectful to the jews and the christian and the same with your mohammad (piss be on him) , you are just another stupid muslim fuck !! go do your home work and study your fucking religion and then open your mouth .

  24. Hey muslims let me teach you some Islamic suna !! only muslims can fuck them sell's and there family, just like mohammad did when he fucked his daughter allow (Zaynab abnit jahish) the wife of his adopted sun Zayd !! am sure you don't know this thats why i call muslims stupid fuck ..trust me mohammad is not worth the shit that come"s out of your ass..JUST DO IT – LEAVE ISLAM NOW

  25. Tim go fuck uself and u whole family,Muslims dont need a hoe like her better to stay in this relegion or in christian one,and 4 all that envy ISLAM go home and die.

  26. I can' t believe how upset Muslims get when someone criticises Islam, the Qu'ran or Muhammad. A little thought applied when reading the Qu'ran would make it obvious to the meanest intelligence that Muhammad was making it up as he went along. I can't believe that any god would be as petty, jealous, petulant, bloody-minded and capricious as the Allah of the Qu'ran appears to be. Islam is not fit to be called a religion, it is an intolerant violent, totalitarian cult, more like the Mafia than a religion, and Muslims would be better off out of it, if only they could indulge in a little self-criticism, self-reflection and humility.

  27. allah will protect islam from human who want to make islam fall down
    and I believe that allah always protect islam in the world . Paris hilton just play with islam . it is not problem to muslim . and allah just give hidayah to human who ready become Muslim

    allah huakbar
    la ilaha ilallah
    khaibar khaibar yahud

  28. I believe that if you are a muslim and you have those feelings then you need to ask yourself where they came from or when did you first realize that you felt that way. I dont have much to say to people in general who choose to be gay because they dont care what i think. But if you want to practice Islam and please the creator then first start working on learning about Him and getting a closer relationship with Him because anything that concerns you or pains you or is difficult on you .. can only be alleviated by Allah. You can turn to so many people and you might end up going deeper into something you DONT want to be invlolved in . The guy asking for your number case in point.
    May Allah bless you with all tha is good in this life and the next

    your sis


  29. Tim, thats was a very ignorant remark u made. i am sure you dont even respect your religion so i dnt blame u. you are equal to shaytan. may Allah (S.W.T) forgive your soul. people like you are not fit to live in the society.

  30. Yeah of course there's nothing wrong with you. If nothing happens without the permission of God, there you are who you are because God allowed it to be.. 😀
    BTW I am gay too.. Can I have ur phone number??

  31. Good for you Paris Hilton you fucked Islam real good this time . poor stupid Muslims they don't know what to do now !!! sorry Muslims the time has changed and all the world know how fucked up Allah is , its your turn to come out and leave this cult called Islam ..

  32. Guys check those 1000 dollar notes 😉 Obama & all getting involved is rather funny, we shoul'd listen to what she said after converting to Islam, her statements were concrete, she wanted all celebrities to get away from the Kabala & all those crap, they are trapped in….She was on a mission otherwise, lets hope she isn't killed like MJ!

  33. She's lying she just done this soo she can get attention she's an idiot……. And (ALLAH) is one and only noyone can overpower him or say anything about him only good things not dumb stuff

  34. Sounds about as pathetic as you do Dude (which in your case is NOT saying something at all ….. judging by your intelligence level ….. ROTFLMHO !!

  35. Guys , you all taking some much time to writing back to TIM which is not worthy at all. Anyone, who insults other relagion does not respect their own relagion either. I think its useless to reply to TIM'S post. And the reason he is saying so much crap is that he is really wanna be one of you muslims.

  36. Publicity, all this chick wants is publicity. No one in the right mind would convert from religion to religion with out a second thought. She's done bad naming other actresses by being a full out skank, and now she wants to bad name region too.
    As a muslim, for the time being that i thought Paris had converted to islam, i had an immence amount of respect for her,and now, after hearing of this, (not that it is bad to convert to buddhisim or anything), it litterally felt like a slap across the face. I hope she gets her stuff together, and I hope she's through converting, not that it matters to us anyway =)

  37. she sure a dumb ass….hehehehehe….
    i know she is an idiot….but i dont expect she'll go beyond the stupidity.
    she's way toooooo deep in the darkness of foolness…hehehehe…

  38. Yeah, this site is pathetic like many others. This site yearns for attention and monetary gains that they are so pitiful xD

    all u gotta do is eat in moderation!


    o.o xD xD

  39. Tim, we DO understand the Quran, when all Muslims are young, they learn how to read it, recite it, and write it, learn your facts before u talk, kthxbai.

  40. yes u idiot! if u read out quran den u ll no tat is mention as haram having sex wid da same gender! and wat do u mean by i am a muslim and a gay aswell so anything wrong wid me! ofcourse u mite be a muslim and obey da same god as i do but dat does not means tat committing such sin is not wrong!

  41. Dear Muslim brothers and sisters. Our religion is under constant scrutiny and people will make fun but lets be better than them and just ignore them!!! This kind of responses and posts are only fuelling the distorted view people have of Islam, 99,99% out of ignorance. So in stead of feeding their already corrupted minds, let just be a good example and ambassadors of our religion. And for people like Sam and his consorts: All you should really feel is pity. Let's take things lightly and get on with our lifes:)

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